Birding in Beautiful Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a birdwatcher’s paradise, home to over 900 species of birds. The country’s diverse ecosystems, ranging from cloud forests to lowland rainforests, make it a hotspot for birding. Here are the top 10 birds that people often want to see when birding in Costa Rica:

1. Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)

Known for its vibrant green feathers and long tail plumes, the quetzal is a symbol of freedom and beauty in Central America. It’s especially sought after in the cloud forests of the Talamanca Mountains and Monteverde.

2. Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao)

With its striking red, yellow, and blue plumage, the Scarlet Macaw is a majestic sight. These birds are commonly found in the lowland forests of the Osa Peninsula and along the Pacific Coast.

3. Keel-billed Toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus)

The vibrant, multicolored bill and striking plumage make the Keel-billed Toucan one of Costa Rica’s most famous birds. It’s often seen in the rainforests, particularly in the Caribbean lowlands.

4. Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus)

Larger than the Scarlet Macaw, the Great Green Macaw is a critically endangered species found mainly in the northern Caribbean region, such as in the forests of the Barra del Colorado Wildlife Refuge.

5. Monteverde Hummingbird (Amazilia longipennis)

This small hummingbird is native to the cloud forests of Monteverde. Known for its iridescent plumage and rapid flight, it’s a prized sight for birders visiting the region.

6. Common Potoo (Nyctibius griseus)

The Common Potoo’s cryptic, camouflaged appearance makes it a challenging bird to spot. However, birders visiting the lowland rainforests or savannahs of Costa Rica often seek it out due to its unique nocturnal habits.

7. Chestnut-mandibled Toucan (Ramphastos swainsonii)

Another striking toucan, the Chestnut-mandibled is known for its large, chestnut-colored bill and distinctive appearance. It is typically found in the rainforests of the Caribbean side of Costa Rica.

8. Black-and-White Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus melanoleucus)

This large, powerful raptor is often spotted in the forested mountains, particularly in the Osa Peninsula. Its striking black-and-white plumage and impressive hunting skills make it a sought-after sight.

9. White-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus)

Known for its graceful flight and striking white feathers, the White-tailed Kite is often seen gliding over the open savannas and grasslands in the Guanacaste region and the Pacific coast.

10. Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa)

Recognizable by its long, spindly legs and vibrant plumage, the Northern Jacana is often found wading through the shallow waters of wetlands and lagoons in the northern and Pacific coastal regions.

These species highlight the incredible variety and beauty of Costa Rica’s birdlife, with each offering a unique experience for birders in different parts of the country. Whether you’re visiting the cloud forests of Monteverde or the tropical lowlands of the Osa Peninsula, there’s always something to marvel at in Costa Rica’s skies!

When you come Birding in Costa Rica, make sure to chose a centrally located place to stay to give you access to many areas of Costa Rica. Bella Vista Private Resort is such a place. Located Just off Highway 1, Bella Vista Private Resort offers access to several areas of Costa Rica. You will love the views and the birds that you find right on the property. Book your stay at Bella Vista Private Resort now.

Book your stay at Bella Vista Private Resort now.

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